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Re.Group Bega Valley Council at Dunmore Site
November 18, 2022

Re.Group had the pleasure of hosting Bega Valley Shire Council for a tour of our Dunmore FOGO facility on a perfect sunny day, last week.
It was a great opportunity to reflect and share the team’s learnings around best practice processes and technology in food and garden organics processing.
Designed to provide long-term organics processing services for Shellharbour City Council, the Re.Group FOGO site has been in operation for 4 years and has expanded to service a number of other local communities.
The facility uses an aerated tunnel composting system with advanced control systems.
The ‘front-end’ receivals and processing includes an elevated picking station to ensure staff are safely away from the mobile plant while undertaking decontamination works. The intensive composting phase is completed within the enclosed tunnels and all odorous air is treated via an engineered biofilter.
Reach out for more info on Re.Group ’s high-quality recycled compost products!