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Re.Group hosts Pacific Waste Plus delegates
September 7, 2022

Re.Group is proud to have hosted 25 delegates from PacWastePlus in Canberra on Thursday, 1st September. PacWastePlus is a 72-month programme funded by the EU and implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to sustainably and cost-effectively improve regional management of waste and pollution across 15 pacific nations.
The delegates are on a two-week intensive learning course – looking at some of Australia's best recycling and resource recovery initiatives. This included visiting Re.Group’s Canberra MRF, as well as various Return-It container refund points across the ACT.
It was a great opportunity for the Re.Group team to trade insights and knowledge with our pacific counterparts. While different communities face different challenges, it is great to know there are people passionately working toward solutions across all counties!