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Return-It Emerald wins the Change Maker Safety Award!

October 15, 2021

Congratulations to the 2021 Change Maker Safety Award Winner, Return-It Emerald.

As the industry leader in the Queensland Container Refund Scheme, Return-It has delivered exemplary safety initiatives in line with Re.Group's value of Safety First and best practice in WPHS.

At the heart of the approach is the Re.Assure safety management system, allowing safety initiatives to be consistently implemented and monitored across every site in the network. Our Depot Managers work to disseminate best practice techniques and learning to all sites, in order to rapidly lift the bar.

Return-It Emerald Depot Manager, Rebecca Clifford, has been a standout in ensuring safety first for Return-It staff and customers. As Matt Daniels noted in his acceptance:

"The award is recognition for the hard work and effort that we put in everyday to placing safety first, not only for our staff but just as importantly, our customers, in line with our value of everyone home safe every day.”

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