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Return-It QLD recycles 1 BILLION Containers!

October 12, 2022

A huge congratulations to the Return-It QLD on the milestone of over 1 BILLION containers returned! We couldn’t have reached this without the dedicated work of the local community over the past four years, and the work of the Containers for Change QLD team.

The impact of this means a great outcome for our environment:

♻️ 5,874 million liters of water saved. That's 65 days' worth of showers for every Queenslander.

♻️ 1,304 million megajoules of energy saved. That's enough energy to power a TV for every Queenslander for 300 days straight.

♻️44 million kgs of material saved from going to landfill.

♻️120 million kgs of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have been diverted. That's the same amount of car emissions of every person in QLD driving from the Gold Coast to Byron Bay.

Find your nearest return point here.